Sunday, 13 April 2014

Graze boxes

Hey guys, so this post will be looking at Graze boxes which are to help encourage healthy eating.

A huge difficulty with eating healthy all the time is that it takes time and costs a lot to make these meals and snacks. This is especially true if you want to steer away from the normal apple and banana. Also, many people think certain items like nuts are healthy but actually when they have flavouring on them or salt this isn't so true. Hence Graze boxes are a way to have snacks already made for you and at low calories, are the perfect way to improve your diet. 

Each box is £3.89 and you chose how often to get it, so I get mine once a week. Each box contains 4 snacks, I use mine for work (I'm part time) because otherwise I just eat crisps. You chose from all their items what ones you like, love, would be willing to try and never want to have meaning you can alter them to your diet and what you like. So your £3.89 is never wasted. Also, the box is all recyclable, even the wooden spoons you get with cakes are, meaning your helping the environment at the same time!

For four different portions I feel the price is well worth paying considering the price of healthy food in stores anyways. Plus, portion size is another help, most things are for 3/4 people and I never eat it all in time and its wasted whereas this is never the case with Graze boxes. I've tried new things, some of which I like and some I don't like which I wouldn't have without these Boxes.
Don't be put off by me saying healthy though assuming its all dried nuts and fruit. Theres BBQ pistachios, popcorn, cake etc and everything is full of flavour. Its all prepared that day making it taste that bit better as the quality is amazing!
So in my opinion, a great way to swap crisps and chocolates for healthy alternatives!
Thank you for reading :)

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