Tuesday, 9 September 2014

My Birthday Week!

Hello lovelies!
So as those of you who follow me on Instagram or have me on Facebook know, it was my birthday on the 30th of August! I thought I'd share what I did the week leading up to it and share some of the presents I received.

I was very fortunate and was given a lot of money for my birthday which I used to purchase my Pandora ring (previously blogged), ugg boots (see below) and some items for my trip in Bangor.

River Island Uggs - £30

My wonderful boyfriend also spoiled me by surprising me with an Olaf toy which I love. I adore everything Disney and watch 'Frozen' all the time so it was incredibly thoughtful for him to buy me such a gift. 
He also generously bought me the over the knee boots seen below from River Island. I have yet to wear them but they are beautiful and I cannot wait to wear them out so keep an eye out as I'll do a review on them!

River Island Over the Knee Boots         

Sadly my birthday week was majorly spent getting ready for my University trip and therefore I was unable to celebrate properly however I will blog about my trip away as I celebrated there instead. 
But, I did get doughnuts from Krispy Kreme instead of a birthday cake which made my day as doughnuts are just unbelievably good. I managed to eat 5 the day I got them which was both a great idea and a bad one!

I've also thrown in the above work selfie purely because I have been wearing my hair natural recently and on this particular day I think it looked lovely. My hairs so thick now and takes too long to straighten so until I get it cut its down and wavy or in a messy pony tail/bun because I'm really lazy!

Anyways thanks for reading!

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